Rising Star

Posted by lunaray, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
Yoga Journal / June 2012 One Shared Heart | Kristin Luna Ray by Katherine Rae   Rising Star Filled with a devotion at once fresh a ...

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October 12, 2014

This was the best concert I have ever had at my studio!

October 12, 2014

Luna's music simply put, is magical and luminous. Luna has a unique quality in her voice that transmits something special, a kind of nectar that permeates all.

October 12, 2014

There are many Chant CDs now for the Yoga market (and I work on quite a few of them) but this one stands out and deserves to be included. There is an honesty in the performance, a creativity in the musical ideas, and a surprising variety or arrangements that is refreshing for this genre of music. Kristin has a great voice and charms us on all levels.

October 12, 2014

The sound and feeling of the music of Kristin Luna Ray is reminiscent of early Krishna Das and Wah!

October 12, 2014

Luna's music is awesome. Her voice is pleasant and smooth and gives me chills. And best of all, she picked me up and took me into this peaceful and joyful world within me.

October 12, 2014

Luna's voice is inspired and uplifting - her music weaves a beautifully moving and gracious atmosphere throughout. It's definitely worth experiencing.

October 12, 2014

Luna came to our small community and transformed our yoga studio into a sacred dwelling.  There is a deep and sincere honesty that is reflected in her music and her presence that brings together people in an extraordinary way.